Fair Use Statement

The content created and/or utilized in this film by Angelique Lopez is for non-commercial, educational purposes only.  Any opinions expressed therein are those of the filmmaker alone.  

All text, data, art, graphics, code or hyperlinks on these web pages are either original, directly linked to original sources, used in good faith under academic “fair use,” or, to the best of my knowledge, are non-copyright. In case of questions about copyright or intellectual property rights, please contact aforementioned filmmaker.

Any commercial or advertising graphics and text reproduced or displayed in any way are for educational purposes only and do not imply endorsement by the University of Texas at El Paso, by the UTEP English Department, UTEP Undergraduate Studies, or by the filmmaker. No payment or compensation of any kind has been received or solicited for the display of any link, graphic, text or other specific content in this film. 

All original content is the intellectual property of Angelique Lopez and permission and acknowledgement is required for any reproduction or modification of material.